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Fluency Muse: ChatGPT Integration for Digital Advertisers

In January of this year, while professionals and pundits alike were making predictions about the impact ChatGPT would have on a multitude of industries, Fluency launched Muse, a first-to-market, ChatGPT-enhanced tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to greatly reduce the manual effort involved with key parts of digital advertisers’ campaign task loads. 

Trading a Heavy Lift for a Light Touch

Muse's “attended AI” approach (as opposed to the temperamental and inconsistent nature of an “unattended” AI) safely shifts the work from writing to reviewing. Your team trades tasks that consume time and mental bandwidth (research, character count generation, and even the common challenges of getting started and dealing with writer's block,) for quicker and easier actions (editing and refinement.) 

  • Three Time-Consuming Actions—One Simple, Seamless Solution: If you're creating digital ad campaign copy, there's three actions you can’t avoid: writing keywords, headlines, and body text. Based on a few curated prompts, Muse generates options for each of these fields, allowing you to quickly filter and edit the results, then implement into campaigns.
  • Turn Restrictions into Results: Muse lets you factor in considerations like negative keywords and character count limitations so you can automatically reduce the variables you’re having to sort through.
  • Platform Neutrality Enables Quantity and Quality: From Google search to Performance Max, Facebook and Pinterest, Muse can be used to quickly and easily generate content for a variety of campaign types, all from within Fluency’s platform.

The Future is Here, and it's only from Fluency

Muse is available now for all Fluency clients and their accounts. For more information and details on pricing, get in touch with our team to learn more.