Tools for cutting and pasting visual elements; an analogy to the cutting and pasting of text
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Cut & Paste is not a Strategy

Business is booming. You’re experiencing double digit growth month over month, so you’re hiring 2-3 Strategists a month to keep pace. Chest bump. Your HR team is hard at work scouring LinkedIn and combing through resumes to find the most talented and strategic digital marketers to add to your team.  The candidates have heard of your company (and its explosive growth) and can’t wait to get to work to push your client’s strategy to the next level!

Fast Forward 90 days.Those beaming new hires you've won over to join your company are starting to depart or show signs of disappointment. Client service is mediocre.  What happened? Two words: Cut. Paste.

Most digital marketing companies spend (read: waste) a disproportionate amount of their strategist’s time cutting and pasting.  There is a compelling reason for why cutting and pasting is so prevalent in digital marketing – because offers and messaging changes regularly and needs updating – but content management is synonymous with strategy.

In today’s data driven world, having an AI powered content management strategy limits the heavy burden of ‘busy work’ for your Strategists and allows them to focus on their true passion: Strategy.  When your Strategists are smiling, they’re less likely to leave the company, and so are your clients.