A picture of Drew Kaigle, surveying his kingdom.
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Fluency Employee Spotlight: Drew Kaigle

Here at Fluency, we pride ourselves on our people. After all, without them, we wouldn’t be nearly as innovative, savvy, and resourceful–so we asked them: Why Fluency? More specifically, what makes our employees proud to work at Fluency and what keeps them going?

Getting to Know Drew Kaigle, Senior Advertising Engineer

Meet Drew Kaigle, Senior Advertising Engineer at Fluency. Drew loves how Fluency’s partners and teammates collaborate to find creative solutions to any problem. If a partner expresses a frustration about a specific repetitive task, teammates like Drew actively explore ways to automate the process, saving time and energy. “This, I feel, is what truly separates Fluency in the ever evolving landscape of digital marketing,” Drew says. One of Drew’s clients even said Fluency “brings the joy back to the job” — if that doesn’t scream effective, what does?

Drew thrives at Fluency in part because of the team’s willingness to work together, no matter what’s at stake. “From the smallest issue to the largest opportunities, everyone on the team will drop what they are doing at a moment's notice,” he says. This motif rings true in the professional and personal.  Whether a coworker is involved in an outreach program that needs donations or someone needs to find a new home for a pet horse, the team comes together to make it happen. 

Outside of work, Drew makes time for growing his own food, cooking, hiking, sailing, snowboarding, ice climbing, and exploring abandoned places. At the height of summer, you’ll find in Drew’s garden more than 80 varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers—all for the picking.