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3 Guiding Principles to a Successful Implementation Strategy

At Fluency, our newest partners often pose the question: “How will we manage the complexities of implementation and guide them through the diverse journey into automation?”

Digital transformation for the enterprise is complex—according to a report by McKinsey & Company, approximately 70% of digital transformation fail. Managing timelines, expectations, new technology, and ideological questions around automation and resource planning can sap energy from any team. 

Thankfully, we’re well aware of the typical frustrations enterprises face during software implementations and we rely on three guiding principles to drive success for our clients. 

1. Experience is The Only True Source of Knowledge

Because we believe experience is the only true source of knowledge, we engage users early in experiential learning in our product. We bring users into our product and ask about their challenges so we can speak and learn in real life scenarios.

Are you challenged to keep up with preventing accounts from overspending or underspending? We’ll work alongside you to implement budget strategies and apply standards that allow you to set your budgets and pace to your goals automatically. 

Looking to increase the number of accounts or customers a single analyst can support? Our Advertising Architects can optimize our product and provide learning experiences that enable an improved account to analyst ratio. Through this experiential learning, you’ll gain the knowledge of how to automate repetitive tasks and enable you to be independent with automation. 

Our team’s years of ad-tech experience translates into a knowledge of how enterprise implementations succeed. By experiencing our platform and leveraging the knowledge of our team, you'll be better suited to make good decisions about your strategy and approach to automation. Together we can collaboratively apply best practices during a transition to automation that ensures high functioning solutions.

2. Communication Cultivates Growth

While experience drives knowledge, successful implementations also rely on communication and collaboration for true growth and partnership. 

During our Discovery period, while our implementation team begins to understand your business goals, we develop an implementation plan. Our plan is an outline of our partnership and our approach to delivery hinges on strong communication to drive organizational growth and growth in our relationship.

Here’s a closer look at some activities during the Discovery period:

  • We conduct technical surveys and workshops 
  • We sometimes ask you to share demos of your existing technology and processes 
  • We’ll document your business goals, data landscape, campaign strategies, and desired advertising outcomes
  • Lastly, we’ll work with you to define strategies and execution plans

Plans are designed to act as a framework for execution, but success hinges on communication around strategy and vision. We listen, we’re responsive, and we share ideas on how to make the most of your data and unique advertising strategies.

“Fluency has been, and continues to be, one of the most collaborative partnerships we have. They truly listen to our feedback and actively work to solve pain points. Working in the Fluency platform on search budgeting/pacing has given some of our campaign managers upwards of 20% of their time back—this is a game changer!” - Andy Shepherd, Vice President, Operations at 2060 Digital

3. Do More Than What’s Asked

We are fiercely innovative. Our implementation team thrives on complexity and relishes a new challenge. We move quickly but thoughtfully to bring new ideas and approaches to life in ways many thought weren’t possible. Going above and beyond what’s required often leads to new opportunities, better performance, and accelerated growth. Proactive questions we sometimes like to ask:

  • Are there public data sources that should influence your advertising in real time like weather, news, or regional activities?
  • Can we streamline your data feeds to optimize your advertising?
  • Where would you like to spend time if you weren’t forced to make manual changes at scale?

We are also deeply dedicated to ensuring your onboarding success. During Implementations, your dedicated team will be there with you every step of the way. Examples of our commitment to a successful implementation include: 

  • A dedicated Onboarding Team
  • Daily Team Check-In’s
  • Project Team Training Sessions

Successful implementations at the enterprise level come from experience, strong communication, and doing more than what’s asked. Our proactive approach leverages our experience, knowledge, and fierce dedication to ensure a successful implementation for all of our new clients during what may otherwise be a challenging time. 

Ready to Learn More?

Do you have more questions about our onboarding process? Do you realize the benefits of automation, but not sure where to start? Our team would love to chat with you. Get in touch to learn more